Indulge in the opulence of the 5.5 x 60 Lamar J Special Edition Maduro cigar, a limited edition that represents the zenith of Maduro artisanship. Enjoy the timeless blend of Ecuadorian, Dominican, Cuban, and Nicaraguan seeds.
Strength - medium to full
Recommend - intermediate to advanced aficionado
"Our mission is to revolutionize the way aficionados savor their cigars. Through the seamless blend of tradition and technology, we aim to offer an unparalleled preservation experience that ensures each cigar retains its rich essence, from our e-humidor to your hand. We are committed to upholding the legacy of the art of hand rolled cigar smoking while pushing the boundaries of innovation, ensuring every moment with your cigar is as authentic and enjoyable as the last."
Tracy Jester
A "torcedor" is a skilled artisan who hand-rolls cigars. The term originates from the Spanish word "torcer," which means "to twist" or "to roll."
Tobacco Selection and Blending: Seasoned cigar maker who deeply understands the various tobacco types, their flavors, aromas, and burning characteristics and knows how to select and blend different tobaccos to create a balanced and harmonious flavor profile for the cigar.
Rolling and Shaping: This delicate and intricate process requires precision and finesse to master the art of applying the wrapper leaf with precision, skillfully concealing the seams and veins to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance
Construction and Consistency: A seasoned torcedor understands the importance of uniformity in terms of draw, burn rate, and flavor from one cigar to another. They can reproduce the same high-quality construction and smoking experience consistently
100% Veteran owned company. All cigars are hand rolled only using organic tobacco leaf's that have been aged between 9-12 years. Tobacco leaf's used are Cuban (Cuban seed grown in Nicaragua), Ecuadorian, Dominican, and Nicaraguan.